
Technical Update - Roof Safety Mesh

Due to a recent update of the Roof safety standard AS/NZS 4389:2015, there is now a requirement to secure the side laps with 2mm diameter ring fasteners, rather than just twisting the wires together along the sides.

These ring fasteners have been difficult to locate but their availability should become easier once more user’s become aware of them and request them.

For single side laps (150mm)

Purlin spacings less than 1200mm: mesh lapped 150mm

Purlin spacings 1200 to 2199mm: must be lapped 150mm with side laps fastened with 2mm dia ring fasteners at 900mm Max. centres between each purlin

Double side laps (300mm)

Purlin spacings at 2200mm centres or greater, must be side lapped min 300mm with side lapped fastened at 600mm centres between purlins with 2mm dia ring fasteners to both sides

End joints in wire

Tail wires approx. 300mm long should be tied around each other. One being twisted 4 times around the main portion of the same wire, then around the other longitudinal wire twisted once around.

We are happy to answer any questions or concerns regarding this update or our products, please reach out to us.

David Bullock

Technical Services Manager

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